[FIRST IMPRESSION] The High School Life of a Fudanshi 腐男子高校生活


When you’re a teenage male who’s a fan of yaoi, or boy’s love manga, there are certain stereotypes that come along with it. And that is exactly Gucchi’s problem.

A self-proclaimed fudanshi (a guy who likes homoerotic stories), he tries to enjoy his favourite manga without being labelled as gay. Because even though he loves boy’s love in fiction, reality is a different story. He hides his identity online but desperately wants to make fudanshi friends who share his passion.



This may be the biggest ‘no homo’ in anime history, and I’ve watched Hibike! Euphonium episode ten. It was only a three minute long episode and Gucchi felt the need to reassert the fact that he was a straight guy more than once. I’m guessing that even though there’ll be a female character soon, the online fandom will ignore her to pair Gucchi with his male best friend despite his protests that he’s not gay. It seems amusing enough on a visual level, with the animation and timing combining to create comedy. However, a lot of the humour so far is based on comparing Gucchi to a woman and I don’t really find that funny. Despite the anime’s short episode format, the animation is decent quality. However, the fact that the episodes are so short may help that side of production, because there’s less to animate and the studio can dedicate more attention to each frame.


Similar to:

Himouto! Umaru-chan – Both series’ protagonists have double lives, and they struggle to keep their otaku lifestyles separate from ‘normality’.

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun – I have a feeling this series will explore yaoi tropes, because they’ve already briefly mentioned things like the effeminate long haired uke. This is similar to Nozaki-kun, which highlights the tropes of shoujo manga

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